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Improvement Process

“If you don’t have time to do it right you must have time to do it over”

About Us

CIPtech continues improvement process via technology, provides technology solutions for product development companies and professional services companies. Our major focus is making the day to day company's operations more efficient. Our product portfolio includes a requirement management tool, risks and mitigations, and product lifecycle management. We serve a wide range of market including aerospace companies, automotive, medical devices, system integrators, consultancies, agencies, and embedded services (technology companies).

About US


Our Services

We help companies accelerate product development life cycle and product quality using world-class platforms.



We transfer technologies among three geographic locations, Korea, Israel, and the United States.




We provide project management consulting support across all functions of complex project delivery.



Our Partners 

Arcnet logo - transparent.png
Stallion Blast Blue horse red logo on white.png

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